Areas of
French companies overseas: investment, cooperation, technology transfers agreements, relationships with the supervision authorities.
Foreign companies in France: Choice of the company form, contract negotiation.
Knowledge of the Anglo-Saxon's working methods and cultural settings.

Creation, transformation, restructuring and dissolution of companies.
Streamlining of legal organizational charts.
Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions.
Management of stock-options plans.

Support in the execution of the strategic projects with the analysis of the legal, financial and operative contexts : Project management, "operational" legal consultation.
Participation to the company management bodies (executive committee, risk management committee).
Legal department organization.

Assistance and advice on export control of arms and dual-use goods (prevention, compliance, dispute resolution).
Description of the services detailed in the brochure below.

Management of litigations, claims and losses (insurance and judicial proceedings): risk transfer, delegation of authority, contractual stipulations, extrajudicial dispute management.

Risk mapping, business recovery plans, compliance (anti-fraud) programs, insurance polices (re. industrial, legal, political and strategic risks)

Refinancing, acquisition finance, cash-flow optimization: creation of cash pooling systems, issue of commercial paper.

Company organization: Issuance of subsidiary governance policies and of corporate governance standards.
Multicultural negotiation and international contracts drafting, (sales of goods and services, etc).
Response to international calls for tender (RFPs, RFQs).

Development of corporate intellectual patrimony, seizure of counterfeits, drafting of agreements (sale, license, etc.).

Assistance to exporters
Strategic products
Arms, war materials and similar
Dual use goods and technologies
Goods subject to EU Regulation 2019/125
Goods subject to international embargoes and sanctions
Intangibles (technology and software)
Legislative references
French, EU and US regulations (ITAR and EAR)
Example of services
Risk mapping and management
Evaluation and design of the internal compliance program
Investigations and disclosures
Audits and internal control reviews
Preparation of license applications, assistance with license management
Analysis of de minimis calculations
Support to operations in sanctioned countries
Assistance from a network of domestic and foreign experts
Download the brochure
Presentation &
JH Law Firm (JH Société d'Avocats) is an independant law firm set up by Mr. Jan Holtzhäusser, currently member of the French bar of Toulouse.
"JH Law Firm provides advice to both French and foreign clients tailored to their business objectives, primarily in French business law and in international law. This law office has the purpose of supporting French businesses that want to expand activities in foreign markets, but also non-French businesses investing in France, particularly in the defense and dual-use industries.
JH Law Firm relies on an international network to tap in complementary talents and scale a service offer corresponding to the requirements of the clients.
Our crosscutting approach enables the firm to intervene in a large range of issues.
JH Law Firm grants a special care in the relationship with the client. We approach it as based on a listening and then a dialogue phase, which facilitates the identification of the material issues and the fostering of mutual trust relationships.
With its operational approach, this law office acts as a true business partner, serving its clients and along with them, to cater and to assist them in taking the strategic decisions they want.
We undertake to provide you a durable quality service in business law, by applying values of honesty, listening, transparency and commitment, with an entrepreneurial spirit based on both ambition and dynamism."
Jan Holtzhäusser

A law office born from the industrial sector and with a business experience
Quick to grasp the material legal issue or the challenge arising from growth operations or from the company strategy.

Understanding of the clients' profession.
Legal objectives' translation.

Development experience in many countries.
Thorough knowledge of several activity sectors (raw materials, mines, aeronautics, safety, defense) and their decision-making process.
Rapid establishment of a close relationship with the clients' teams.

Project management
Able to act as project manager for the legal advice and other project (financial, operating) activities.
Ability to join/unite a dedicated team and build team spirit.

Jan Holtzhäusser is a business lawyer with more than 20 years of experience. He advises small and medium-sized companies as well as large corporations on business law and international trade law.
Jan specializes in the export of war materials and dual-use goods. He is a lecturer at the Law Faculty of Toulouse UT1 Capitole in the framework of the LL.M. in International Aviation Law and the Master 2 in Law, Economics and Management, specializing in Business Law. He also gives lectures on Export Compliance.
Before creating his law office, Jan Holtzhäusser practiced as Director of Legal Affairs and as Corporate Secretary in large international industrial groups. These duties were exercised in the sectors of raw materials, defense, security, plastics processing and aeronautics. He also assumed roles as senior executive, member of the executive committee or corporate officer taking responsibility for implementing large projects for firms such as Rio Tinto and United Technologies.
He always dedicated his activity to corporate and business law.
With a Master's degree in business law (DESS) from the University of Paris V, Jan was admitted to the Paris’ Bar in 1999 and joined the Toulouse's Bar in 2017.
He speaks English, French and German.

Jan Holtzhäusser
JH Société d'avocats
29 allées François Verdier (31000) Toulouse / France
E-mail address :
Phone number : +33(0)6 52 26 24 52
Contact form
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Photos: Adobe Stock
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SELARL JH Société d'Avocats
Cabinet d'avocats
Head office : 29 allées François Verdier (31000) Toulouse, France
RCS 832 115 042
Publication Director: Jan Holtzhäusser
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